Zare - A Year In Review

Support Article

Here we are, our 2020 review! 

Its been an incredibly busy and challenging year for Zare, below we will go into detail about what we have achieved this year, challenges we faced and how we overcame them.
Being any type of business during these unprecedented times would have been difficult with challenges faced that we wouldn't have faced before. But we have also accomplished incredible things. 

At the beginning of the year we had visions of expanding our business, but when the Coronavirus pandemic hit, it made it very difficult for us to travel and secure the right places for us to work with. We did however, succeed in our goals! We have expanded to Paris, Frankfurt and Zurich. 

You can see our blog for Paris, France here! 
You can see our blog for Frankfurt, Germany here! 
You can see our blog for Zurich, Switzerland here!

This was a very big step for Zare, as we had the difficulties of the global pandemic and ensuring our staff's safety. While looking into Data Centres, we were certain to find the right one. This resulted in us working with a company called Interxion. 

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